Every Wednesday night we have a youth group come over for a bible study. It is amazing how God works in his mysterious ways. Soon after we all got to Hollywood we were trying to figure out how we could reach out to the high school
aged kids in the neighborhood. One Monday afternoon, soon after another brain storming session, two high schoolers in the neighborhood came over and asked if they could hold a bible study that they do at our community house and of course our answer was yes. We had no clue what this was going to look like and so when they first came over we took the seats off to the side and observed. One of the guys got up and starting sharing his testimony with the group and I was almost in tears. Here stood a 19 year old guy sharing how he had been to jail 4 different times and when he was not he was getting high and drinking. He would spend his days not thinking about the future and living for the day with no regards for his actions. He lived for getting a quick high or getting completely wasted so he would not have to come to the reality of what his life had become. Then when he was in jail for his last time he was given a bible and it was because of this book his life changed for the better. He started to find God while he was in jail and when he got out he was not perfect, he had his slips, but with encouragement from others and the grace and guidance from God he turned his back to the drugs and alcohol and reconnected with his family. He stood there that night telling his story to his friends and to strangers with the goal of helping them to see that there is more to life then the quick high and living for the weekend parties. That with God, you will find the joy and happiness they all long for. I sat their amazed by the courage that he had to show his vulnerability, but to also share his faith and love for God. I could tell not everyone in the room was convinced, but I could see something sparking in them to want to know more.
In one weeks time the bible study grew and the youth director of the group came to help in leading. We set up chairs on our basketball court and a key board was brought out. At 7:30 pm the sound of praise songs, prayer, and sharing of God’s word could be heard from our back yard. It was a breath taking sight. For about a month and a half we have had 20-30 high school aged youth join at our house on Wednesday nights to learn about God and how he can have a place in their lives. Being able to provide a space for these kids to share their passion and joy for the word of God is an honor and I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to learn with them.
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